human innovation advisors +
oneWorldWholeness alliance
innovating whole capital
joule (unit of energy) + watt (unit of power) + HumanInnovationPIE (people innovating everywhere + powering innovation economies) = human fusion
innovating whole capital by integrating financial, human, intellectual, social, and soulful impact capital solutions with our clients and partners' innovative impact investing culture
we specialize in human innovation, which drives business, social and technology innovation
our vision is advancing prosperity by fostering cultures of sustainable innovation
our big hairy audacious quest is to foster, and release the powers of human fusion (beyond high performance teams), concurrently, as the world inevitably moves towards realizing the unlimited power of the sun, through nuclear fusion, at sub-national or mega-city levels, which will revolutionize energy and power structures
our people, portfolio, and process frameworks are powered by agility, character, culture, design, innovation, learning, leadership and service
our integrated solutions and frameworks include: green oceans, esgWorlds, esg3, human fusion workshops, and human innovation advisory services
see our portfolio of solutions, clients and partners.
innovating with our clients and partners whole capital, with our impact Investing framework and culture, drives our value proposition.
whole integration of our corporate finance and alternative investment experience with our human innovation and entrepreneurial talent is our core foundation.
we are driven by our passionate detachment to foster collective visions, energized by cultures of people innovating everywhere and powering innovation economies, sustained by coherence and cohesion, through a culture of learning.
we actively support the SDG2030 - Sustainable Development Goals and strive to integrate our clients and partners with the UN Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.